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New for 2022, all Open Studio Members must be a 2022 Member of ICCGS to be in Open Studio. For more detailed information about the benefits to becoming a member at the center, please click here.
4-week Open Studio: October 4th–October 31st
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Open Studio:
- Open Studio Sessions is for artists 18 years and older, that can work independently in the ICCGS Community Studio. Since there is no instruction included in Open Studio Sessions you must have a proficient level of skills with your media, along with a comprehensive understanding of how the ICCGS Community Studio operates.
- To be eligible for Open Studio, you must have completed classes or registered for open studio with in the past 12 months. If you have not worked in our studio with in the past 12 months, but have worked with us before, please make sure to set up a studio orientation meeting (a $60 one time fee) with our Studio Manager at studiomanager@iowaceramicscenter.org so we can get you all set up.
- Orientation/ Skill Assessment Session must be scheduled in advance with the Studio Manager at studiomanager@iowaceramicscenter.org
- All Open Studio Participants must adhere to all Studio Guidelines and Procedures. A link to the current handbook can be found here.
- If an artist is unable to successfully work within the guidelines of Open Studio, they will be asked to return to a class session to further their understanding of the operations of the ICCGS Studio.
- We have established the following guidelines utilizing COVID-19 precautions in mind: You must observe all posted COVID-19 precautions. Please do not enter the studio if you are feeling unwell and/or been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
- Space is available on a first come first served basis.
- Participants must sign in and out of the studio.
- One shelf is included in your Open Studio registration.
- Open Studio Patrons are required to pay for all ceramic firing before work is fired in the kiln. Firing Policy can be found on our website under “Shop”. Please prepay for all firing online at this link: https://iowaceramicscenter.square.site/ceramic-firing
- Open Studio Patrons must provide their own materials and tools, some community tools are available.
- All supplies and tools purchased from the ICCGS office must be paid upon receipt of goods. Credit or ledger is not available.
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