Iowa Ceramics Center & Glass Studio

Chadima Gallery Exhibitions

The Resident Artist program at ICCGS, provides emerging ceramic artists with space, facilities, time, and professional interactions that will develop their ideas, skills, abilities, and help them focus as ceramic artists.

Resident Artist Galleries

Our Annual Resident Artist Gallery Series features an opening reception every 1st Thursday in May, June, and July for each of our Resident Artists. We invite you to stop in from 5:30pm-7:00pm to view their exhibit in the Chadima Gallery, and learn more about their work during their Artist Talks beginning at 6:00 pm, where they will each discuss their work and process. Each Resident Artist’s works will remain in the Gallery through the end of each month. 

Connections in Flame

Artist: Jennifer Hatch

Show Title: Connections in Flame

Opening Reception: July 11th

Time: 5:30-7:30, with an artist talk beginning at 6pm. Work will remain in the Chadima gallery through July 27th.

About the Show: In “Connections in Flames”, Jennifer shows how her childhood drawings of flames have evolved over time to influence her current work in clay. Multiple connections throughout the exhibition will illustrate her journey and growth as both an artist and potter. Flames can be found in both her functional work and tilework, depicting images from nature. Flames become roots and limbs of trees, petals of flowers, and leaves of vines. The connections also spread non-linearly to include ideas of firing, glasswork, memory, past work, and nature. 

Connections in Flame

Consistent Vision

Show Title: Consistent Vision

Artist: Bill Ball

Show Description: a review of ceramic work by Bill Ball

Opening Reception: August 1st

Time: 5:30-7:30, with an artist talk beginning at 6pm. Work will remain in the Chadima gallery through September 29th.

About the Show: Bill Ball is a long-time Artist, studio member, Instructor, and friend to ICCGS.  We are so excited to host a exhibition of his work.

Past Events

Maps of the Intangible

Artist: Karin Rutkin

Show Title: Maps of the Intangible

Date: October 6th – 29th

About the Show: A National Juried Show by Karin Rutkin

Maps of the Intangible